Chapter 15 Vocabulary

  1. 3. Home ____________ - the type of sentence in which the defendant must serve the term at home and usually can leave for essential purposes such as school or work
  2. 5. the type of sentence in which a defendant is allowed to work in the community but is required to return to prison at night or on weekends
  3. 6. __________________ Report - a probation officer’s written report that gives the sentencing judge information about the defendant’s background and prospects for rehabilitation
  4. 8. ___________ Punishment - the death penalty; putting a convicted person to death as punishment for a crime
  5. 11. _________________ circumstances - factors that tend to lessen the seriousness of an offense
  6. 12. punishment given as a kind of revenge for wrongdoing
  7. 16. the process through which a convicted person is changed or reformed, in order to lead a productive life rather than commit another crime
  8. 18. the act of restoring something to its owner
  1. 1. a sentence to death for commission of a serious crime
  2. 2. measure taken to discourage criminal actions
  3. 4. a reason for criminal punishment that stresses keeping a convicted person confined to protect society
  4. 7. ___________________ Sentence - a sentence issued by the court but not actually served; the individual is usually released by the court with no conditions attached
  5. 9. a system of supervised freedom, usually by a probation officer, for persons convicted of a criminal offense.
  6. 10. _______________ circumstances - factors that tend to increase the seriousness of an offense
  7. 13. a program created by the U.S. Department of Justice designed to reduce serious crime committed by ex-offenders
  8. 14. confinement, usually in jail or prison
  9. 15. release from prison before the full sentence has been served
  10. 17. a monetary penalty imposed upon someone