chapter 15 vocabulary

  1. 3. Antigen that causes allergic reactions
  2. 4. chronic, inflammatory autoimmune disease
  3. 6. increasing individual resistance by artificial means (vaccines)
  4. 9. Immunity immunity developing over a lifetime as a result of exposure to invaders
  5. 10. fatal allergic reaction
  6. 13. the body's ability to resist invaders and diseases
  7. 14. masses of lymphatic tissue; palatine, adenoids, lingual
  8. 15. protein that functions specifically as an antibody
  9. 16. sac-like mass of lymphatic tissue located in abdominal cavity
  10. 18. enlargement of lymph nodes
  11. 19. the body's immune system fails to protect itself against foreign material
  12. 20. Gland part of both lymphatic and endocrine systems; produces T-lymphocytes
  1. 1. straw colored fluid
  2. 2. inflammation or infection of the tonsils
  3. 3. Acquired Immunity immunity that results from immunization
  4. 5. Mononucleosis disease caused by Epstein-Barr virus
  5. 7. immunity you are born with; permanent and inherited
  6. 8. a person's own immune system targets normal cells, tissues and organs
  7. 9. acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
  8. 11. Nodes lymph nodes located under the arms
  9. 12. Disease form of cancer of the lymph nodes
  10. 17. System supplement to circulatory system
  11. 21. the virus that causes AIDS