Chapter 15

  1. 4. ,Technology Pedagogical Content Knowledge
  2. 5. , A result from the mismatch between one's abilities and the demands of an environment
  3. 8. ,providing options for perception, language and symbols, comprehension
  4. 10. ,Complex electrical or hydraulic systems
  5. 11. ,Because students with disabilities experience a delay in obtaining information that is readily available to their peers it is important to remember that all modifications are ___________
  6. 14. , Providing options for recruiting interest, sustaining effort and persistence, and self regulation
  7. 18. ,The current assistive technology delivery system was originally developed to respond to the needs of__________
  8. 27. ,When technology is used to make ________ accessible students with disabilities have the same opportunities to learn as their peers without disabilities
  1. 1. , The technology Related Assistance Act for Individuals with Disabilities passed in 1988 provides funding and services to provide______________ to individuals with disabilities
  2. 2. ,The CAST and the U.S Department of Education established the National Center on Accessing the ______________
  3. 3. ,Teaching a person to use his/her body in a manner to minimize the impact of the impairment
  4. 6. ,Most teachers begin their career with minimal experience using technology in how many ways?
  5. 7. ,Technology integration efforts must include two types of technology, what are they?
  6. 9. ,Learning disabilities, serious emotional disabilities, and mental retardation are all considered to be?
  7. 12. , Providing options for physical action,expressive skills and fluency, executive functions
  8. 13. , Today____________ are available on every computer
  9. 15. , Re authorization of the IDEA act in 2004 serves to reemphasize to schools the importance of academic achievement by students with disabilities and the need to help each student
  10. 16. ,Has little or no impact on a variety of life functions
  11. 17. ,Helping an individual learn or improve performance, often the focus of education, training, and therapy
  12. 19. ,With the expectations of the NCLB the need for assistive technology to help students in the general education classes succeed have become more______________
  13. 20. , Teachers working in ___________ face a relentless demand to modify curricular, instructional, and assessment materials
  14. 21. ,Using personal word lists, highlighting markers, and organizing systems
  15. 22. ,Making websites more usable to people with disabilities
  16. 23. ,____________ is a way to include special education students into general education classes
  17. 24. ,Using technology to accommodate difficulties performing specific tasks
  18. 25. ,Any item, piece of equipment, or product system, whether acquired commercially, off the shelf, modified, or customized that is used to increase capabilities of a child with a disability
  19. 26. ,May be congenital or acquired through an accident or disease