Chapter 16 Key Terms

  1. 2. relative loudness or softness of your voice
  2. 4. a quality of language that makes your messages stand out
  3. 5. language that is used by special groups but is generally considered impolite or not proper
  4. 8. you talk with out any specific preparation
  5. 12. the production of syllables or words according to some accepted standard
  6. 14. a quality of language that makes messages understandable to listeners
  7. 17. the process of evaluating speech; of rendering a judgment of its value
  8. 19. a quality of language that makes messages more powerful, more intense
  9. 20. interruptions in the flow of speech
  1. 1. phrases that weaken your sentences
  2. 3. type of speech where you read aloud the entire speech, that you wrote word for word
  3. 6. a quality of public speaking language making it suitable for a particular audience
  4. 7. the stress or emphasis placed on a syllable when it is pronounced
  5. 9. phrases that have lost their novelty & part of their meaning through overuse
  6. 10. the style of spoken discourse
  7. 11. type os speech that you wrote word for word and memorized
  8. 13. the physiological movements of the speech organs as they modify & interrupt the air stream emitted from the lungs
  9. 15. speed at which you speak
  10. 16. trite sayings that are worn out because of constant usage
  11. 18. the technical vocabulary of a specialized field