Chapter 16 Style and Delivery in Public Speaking

  1. 7. Use of a word in a sentence whose literal meaning is the opposite of what is conveyed
  2. 9. Attribution of human characteristics to inanimate objects
  3. 10. Let the audience feel what you're talking about
  4. 12. Repetition of the same initial sound
  5. 13. Primary goal in speaking style
  6. 14. Substitution of a name for a title
  7. 15. Rhetorical stylistic devices
  8. 18. Use of part of an object to stand for the whole object
  9. 19. Language used by special groups
  10. 20. Technical vocabulary of a specialized field
  1. 1. Describe sounds
  2. 2. Create word pictures
  3. 3. Arguments come alive in the minds of your listeners
  4. 4. The degree to which a communication style resemble that of an informal conversation
  5. 5. Questions used to make a statement
  6. 6. Compares two unlike things without using like or as
  7. 8. Term or phrase that combines two normally opposite qualities
  8. 11. Presentation of contrary ideas in parallel form
  9. 16. Compares to unlike objects using like or as
  10. 17. Use of extreme exaggeration