Chapter 16 - Theology Vocab and Terms - Mr. Nawn

  1. 2. This was the one apostle that WAS NOT martyred.
  2. 6. St. Peter died being crucified ___ ___. (2 words)
  3. 7. St. Paul compares a life of faith to a spiritual ___.give
  4. 9. The order of priests founded by St. Ignatius is called the ____.
  5. 10. First Peter makes it clear that when we witness our faith, we must make sure that we are living ____.
  6. 11. This apostle was stabbed in the back with a sword.
  7. 13. This saint helped hide countless Jews from the Nazis during World War II. His names was St. ___ ___. (2 words)
  8. 17. The spiritual union of all of the redeemed, those on Earth and those who have died is called ___ ___ ___. (3 words)
  9. 18. In March of 1966, seven monks from the ___ Abbey were kidnapped and executed.
  1. 1. The Letters of Peter show us that ___ have been struggling with living out their faith in the world since the time of the early Church.
  2. 3. In 1 Peter 2:12, Be good no matter what, so that others cannot use your ___ example against you.
  3. 4. The practice of inducing someone to convert to your faith. (Usually aggressively)
  4. 5. Prayers, meditations and reflections established by St. Ignatius is called the ___ ___. (2 words)
  5. 8. The teachings of Jesus that begin the Sermon on the Mount.
  6. 12. St. Paul also says that when you are losing hope and are ready to give up, put on the ____ of God.
  7. 14. Divine Law revealed in the New Testament through the life and teaching of Jesus is called the ___ ___ ___. (3 words)
  8. 15. In Paul's letter to the Romans, Paul uses the image of God as a ____, and we are the clay.
  9. 16. St. Peter was crucified the way he was because he said he was ___ to die like Jesus.