Chapter 16

  1. 2. The use of a word or sentence whose literal meaning is the opposite.
  2. 4. Comparing two unlike things by stating that one thing “is” the other.
  3. 9. Allows you to direct the audience’s attention, thoughts and feelings.
  4. 11. A sentence that juxtapose contrasting ideas in parallel fashion.
  5. 12. Compares two unlike objects using the words like or as.
  6. 14. The repetition of the same initial sound in two or more words.
  7. 16. The use of a part of an object to stand for the whole object.
  8. 18. How clear and understanding the speech is.
  9. 20. Temperature and texture of an object is felt by the audience using ____imagery.
  10. 21. The substitution of a name for a title with which it’s closely associated.
  11. 22. Trite sayings that are worn out because of constant usage.
  12. 23. Style in which the communication style resembles that of informal conversation.
  1. 1. This imagery describes sound.
  2. 3. The attribution of human characteristics to inanimate objects.
  3. 5. Phrases that have lost their novelty and part of their meaning because of their overuse.
  4. 6. Describing height, weight and color of an object uses ____imagery.
  5. 7. A sentence when you reserve a key word until the end of the sentence.
  6. 8. A sentence that convey ideas in parallel style.
  7. 10. The presentation of contrary ideas in parallel form.
  8. 13. You would use active verbs, strong verbs, figures of speech and imagery to achieve…
  9. 15. A term or phrase that combines two normally opposite qualities.
  10. 17. The use of extreme exaggeration.
  11. 19. The technical vocabulary of a specialized field.