Chapter 16

  1. 3. Trite sayings that are worn out because of constant usage
  2. 6. Phrases that weaken your sentence
  3. 8. Compares two unlike things by stating that one thing "is" the other
  4. 11. a term or a phrase that combines two normally opposite qualities
  5. 12. The use of a part of an object to stand for the whole object
  6. 14. The repetition of the same initial sound in two or more words
  7. 15. Compares two unlike objects by using "like" or "as"
  8. 16. To achieve ___ use active verbs, strong verbs, figures of speech, and imagery
  9. 17. The presentation of contrary ideas in parallel form
  10. 19. ___ of speech are stylistic devices that have been part of rhetoric since ancient times
  11. 20. The use of a word whose literal meaning is opposite of the message actually conveyed.
  1. 1. The use of extreme exaggeration
  2. 2. ___ style refers to the degree to which a communication style resembles that of informal conversation as opposed to the more formal style of writing
  3. 4. Keep ___ to a minimum when you give your speech
  4. 5. ___ questions are questions used to make a statement or to produce a desired effect rather than secure an anwser
  5. 7. To be ___ means to not waste your words
  6. 8. The substitution of a name for a title with which it is closely associated
  7. 9. ___ are expressions that are unique to a specific language and whose meaning can not be deduced from the individual words used
  8. 10. Giving human-like qualities to inanimate objects
  9. 13. The technical vocabulary of a specialized field
  10. 18. When you are ___ you get a clear and detailed picture