Chapter 17 The Endocrine System

  1. 1. hypoparathyroidism causes a rapid decline of this in the blood
  2. 2. this gland promotes calcium deposition and bone formation
  3. 3. ravenous hunger
  4. 6. remains of the follicle after an egg is released is called this
  5. 7. this gland raises blood calcium levels
  6. 10. lobe of the pituitary that houses oxytocin and antidiuretic hormone
  7. 11. these cells surround the follicle an egg developes in
  8. 13. this gland synthesizes melatonin and is believed to regulate the timing of puberty
  9. 14. this gland is a site of maturation for T cells and shrinks considerably with age
  10. 16. these cells are the source of testosterone in males
  11. 17. these cells of the adrenal medulla release epinephrine and norepinephrine
  12. 18. this inhibiting hormone inhibits the secretion of prolactin
  13. 20. this zone of the adrenal cortex secretes aldosterone
  14. 21. this type of diabetes is a chronic condition of polyuria without glucose in the urine
  15. 22. cushing syndrome is an excess secretion of this
  16. 23. hypersecretion of growth hormone in adults
  1. 1. another name for congenital hypothyroidism
  2. 4. constitutes the the anterior 3/4 quarters of the pituitary
  3. 5. this type of goiter is due to a dietary iodine deficiency
  4. 7. gland that is suspended from the flood of the hypothalamus
  5. 8. the alpha cells of the pancreas secrete this
  6. 9. intense thirst
  7. 11. this hormone stimulates mitosis
  8. 12. this hormone stimulates the testes to secrete testosterone
  9. 15. this zone of the adrenal cortex secretes androgens and estrogen
  10. 18. excessive urine output
  11. 19. the thyroid follicles are surrounded by these cells
  12. 21. type 2 diabetes is not a lack of but a resistance of this