Chapter 18 Crossword

  1. 6. What did the Chinese perfect 500 years before the rest of the world?
  2. 7. During the Yuan Dynasty who was at the bottom of the social ladder?
  3. 8. He was sent to make expeditions between 1405 and 1433
  4. 9. What fine pottery did the Chinese invent?
  5. 10. What trade was invented during the Yuan?
  6. 14. What is China's Capital?
  7. 17. Who conquered the Song Dynasty?
  8. 18. Who did the government place restrictions on during the Tang Dynasty?
  1. 1. The Bureaucracy was staffed with ______.
  2. 2. What invention caused trade overseas to thrive?
  3. 3. What spice was used to treat toothaches?
  4. 4. What brought the Ming Dynasty to its end?
  5. 5. Who ruled after the Yuan?
  6. 11. Under the Ming many countries became China’s _____.
  7. 12. Who traveled around China on behalf of Kublai Khan?
  8. 13. What was the most popular drink in China at this time?
  9. 15. What significant explosive ingredient was created by chinese?
  10. 16. Sea trade thrived because of the ____ Emperors.
  11. 19. Where did China learn to make sugar and wine?