Chapter 19: Industry & Nationalism

  1. 4. top government leaders are suddenly replaced by force by a new group of leaders
  2. 6. the movement of people from rural areas to cities
  3. 8. believed that factories, land, capital, and raw materials should be owned and controlled by society by the government
  4. 10. a movement to end slavery
  5. 14. woven cloth
  6. 15. raises money by selling shares in the company to investors
  1. 1. a new economic system
  2. 2. two or more people owned the business and pooled their own money
  3. 3. an emperor
  4. 5. classes
  5. 7. money invested in businesses
  6. 9. rich men that was supported by the upper class
  7. 11. the middle classes
  8. 12. is an association of workers who unite to improve wages and working conditions
  9. 13. is a political philosophy based on the ideas of the Enlightenment