Chapter 19 Lesson 2

  1. 4. a cowhand of Hispanic origin
  2. 5. types of homes people would live in on the Great Plains
  3. 7. to earn ownership of land by living on it
  4. 8. name given to farmers on the Great Plains
  5. 9. What most most labeled the Great Plains at the time due to the thought that it was unfarmable
  6. 12. location of the closest railroad to Texas
  7. 13. a farming method that depends on plowing after every rain and trapping moisture in the soil in dry, non-irrigated land
  1. 1. tough breed of cattle in Texas
  2. 2. law that gave up to 160 acres of land to any head of a family who paid a $10 filing fee and lived on the land for five years
  3. 3. trail that ran from central Texas to Abilene, Kansas that cattle hands would follow on the long drives
  4. 6. a trip of several hundred miles on which ranchers led their cattle to railroads and distant markets
  5. 10. name given to these railroad towns at the end of the long drives
  6. 11. name given to early Great Plains farmers