Chapter 2 - Character Building

  1. 2. the thinking that leads you to do what is right rather than wrong
  2. 3. the development and application of commonly held principles which promote personal growth, establish good citizenship, and support society
  3. 4. a person who acts as a teacher and a guide
  4. 7. the principles and values that guide the way you live
  5. 9. you take the initiative to think and plan ahead for situations you might encounter
  6. 10. to demonstrate
  7. 12. something that follows as a result of an action or choice
  1. 1. the good judgement and sensitivity needed to avoid embarrassing or upsetting others, and to keep sensitive information private
  2. 3. behavior
  3. 5. to reveal
  4. 6. standard a rule or principle you set for yourself
  5. 8. to attach importance to
  6. 11. pressure the influence of others in your age group