Chapter 2 Key Terms

  1. 1. Record a permanent record that is a list of a person's previous criminal offenses
  2. 2. the process of establishing colonies, the control of a region by another part of the world
  3. 5. applying laws
  4. 9. to reestablish good behavior and attitudes
  1. 1. Service volunteer in the community as a part of your sentence, the offender is required to do this instead of going to jail
  2. 3. body of laws made through the legislative process
  3. 4. the punishment for your crime that is determined by the court
  4. 6. System set of institutions and processes established by the government to apply laws in society
  5. 7. to determine if something is valid
  6. 8. and Equitable rules that apply to everyone but individual situations and needs are taken into account
  7. 9. to become apart of something again