Chapter 2 - Our Laws

  1. 4. The freedom to make judgements.
  2. 5. ________ law is the body of law that defines crimes and assigns punishments for them.
  3. 6. A ___________ is a serious crime, such as murder.
  4. 10. Strict _______ does not require intent.
  5. 11. Police have ______, which is the force by which others can be made to obey.
  6. 12. The dual responsibility of seeking out the guilty while protecting the innocent is known as the Criminal Justice ________.
  1. 1. A police officer's right to direct and command.
  2. 2. A crime so offensive, it is obviously criminals.
  3. 3. A minor offense.
  4. 7. _________ law refers to noncriminal restrictions.
  5. 8. _________ of a crime are the distinctive acts making up a specific crime.
  6. 9. An offense in violation of civil law.
  7. 13. The reason for doing a crime.