Chapter 2 Vocabulary

  1. 3. Security through domination
  2. 5. ability to wield power independently
  3. 6. The fundamental rules and norms of politics
  4. 7. weak states that breaks down
  5. 9. The ability of a state to carry out actions
  6. 13. Political power concentrated to authority
  7. 14. Ability to wield power to make people work
  8. 17. States that have strong sovereignty
  9. 19. tendency toward decentralisation
  10. 20. Federalism that is not uniform
  1. 1. Combined political entities of state, regime, gov
  2. 2. Power that is distributed to regional bodies
  3. 4. Something recognised as right and proper
  4. 8. States that have weak sovereignty
  5. 10. Appeals on the laws they offer
  6. 11. Using customs and age to justify
  7. 12. Organisation that maintains a monopoly of violence
  8. 15. Appeals by power or ideas
  9. 16. Security through cooperation
  10. 18. The leadership that runs the state