Chapter 21 – The Immune System: Innate and Adaptive Body Defenses

  1. 2. Most abundant type of white blood cell
  2. 4. Help to control bacterial and fungal colonization in exposed areas
  3. 5. Fluid containing clotting factors and antibodies
  4. 6. Clumping of cells
  5. 8. D Required for activation of CDD8 cells to become Tc cells
  6. 9. Provides resistance against acids, alkalis, and bacteria enzymes in skin
  7. 10. Congenital or acquired condition that impairs the production or function of immune cells
  8. 12. Term describing the links between the brain and immune system to help explain how depression, emotional stress, and grief can impair the immune response
  9. 15. Nonspecific defense system; first line of defense
  10. 16. Cleanses the lower urinary tract as it flushes from the body
  11. 18. Propel debris laden mucus away from nasal cavity and lower respiratory passages
  12. 19. Complement proteins or antibodies to which phagocyte receptors can bind
  1. 1. Immune system damages tissue as it fights off a perceived threat that would otherwise be harmless to the body
  2. 3. Specific defense system
  3. 7. Inhibits bacteria growth
  4. 11. Simplest defense mechanism – occurs when antibodies block specific sites on viruses
  5. 12. Harmful or disease causing microorganisms
  6. 13. Some infected cells create small proteins called __________ to alert/protect cells that are not yet infected
  7. 14. Traps microorganisms in respiratory and digestive tracts
  8. 17. Destroys bacteria - found in saliva, respiratory mucus, and lacrimal fluid