Chapter 21 Vocab

  1. 3. known as the ​Shawnee Trail
  2. 4. a type of ​wire fencing designed with sharp points
  3. 8. ​in Palo Duro Canyon
  4. 13. unfenced lands
  5. 15. a cattleman
  6. 16. open range from ​Texas to Canada
  7. 17. this is where cowboys herded about 35,000 longhorns
  8. 18. professional horse handler
  9. 19. this routeroute ran north from Kerrville to ​Fort Griffin
  10. 21. ranchers ​would snip the barbed-wire fences because to many people were putting up fencing
  1. 1. this was something that was used to ​reach a huge supply of water
  2. 2. in ​South Texas and was one of the most important cattle operations in the state
  3. 5. identification marks made with hot metal
  4. 6. herding groups of cattle south of ​the Rio Grande to supply beef to Spanish military outposts
  5. 7. huge holding pens
  6. 9. a farmer in De Kalb, Illinois
  7. 10. Spanish word for remount
  8. 11. established in 1885 when the state ​gave the land to the Capitol Freehold Land and Investment Company
  9. 12. breed ​of cattle developed as Spanish breeds mixed with English cattle brought ​by U.S. settlers
  10. 14. cattle thieves
  11. 20. disease longhorns were resistant by