Chapter 2,3 Crossword Puzzle-Week 2 Activity

  1. 8. Those who opposed the new proposed Constitution during the ratification period
  2. 9. Powers retained by the states under the Constitution
  3. 15. Government structure in which authority is divided among branches with each holding seperate and independent powers and areas of responsibility
  4. 16. Meeting in 1787 at which twelve states intended to revise the Articles of Confederation but ended up proposing an entirely new Constitution
  5. 18. Form of democracy in which political power is excerised directly by citizens
  6. 21. Powers expressly granted to Congress by the Constitution
  7. 24. Gives Congrress the power to tax to provide for the general welfare
  8. 26. The 1776 document declaring American independence from Great Britain and calling for equality, human rights, and citizen participation
  9. 28. Gives Congress the power to regulate commerce with foregin nations
  10. 29. Form of government in which power derives from citizens but public officals make policy and govern according to existing law
  11. 31. Authority of courts to declare laws passed by congress and acts of the executive branch to be unconstitutional
  1. 1. First ten amendments to the Constitution which provide basic political rights
  2. 2. Process for selecting state judges whereby the original nomination is by appointment, and subsequent retention is by a retention election
  3. 3. Systems of government in which ultimate authority rests in the national government
  4. 4. Compromise on legislative representation whereby the lower chamber is based on population and the upper chamber provides equal representation to the states
  5. 5. Formal process of changing the Constitution
  6. 6. System of government in which sovereignty is constitutionally divided between national and state governments
  7. 7. Authority of the president to block legislation passed by congress.
  8. 10. Gives Congress the power to pass all laws necessary and proper to the powers enumerated
  9. 11. Required states to return runaway slaves, 13th Amendment
  10. 12. Powers not expressly granted to Congress but added through the necessary and proper clause
  11. 13. Government structure that authorizes each branch of the government to share powers with other branches and can take control over the other branches
  12. 14. Initial governing authority of the United States, 1781- 1788
  13. 17. Makes federal law supreme over state laws
  14. 19. Powers held by both the national and state govenments in a federal system
  15. 20. Doctrine holding that state govenments and the federal government have almost completly seperate functions
  16. 22. Document or set of documents that establish the basic rules and procedures for how a society shall be governed
  17. 23. The presidential electors selected to represent the voters of their respective states to cast electoral votes for president and vice president
  18. 25. States have strong independent authority to resist federal rules under the Consitution
  19. 27. Rights of states to invalidate acts of Congress they believe to be illegal
  20. 30. Supports of the Consitution during the raficiation period and later the political party established by Alexander Hamilton