Chapter 23

  1. 5. __________ of the Kingdom of Jordan gave a speech on the role of women in Southwest Asian economies.
  2. 7. a muslim holy site, called Temple Mount by the Jews
  3. 9. a __________ agency has control of all holy sites
  4. 11. a nation of people without a land to legally occupy
  5. 14. Palestinians live in ___________ in Israel
  6. 16. largely unskilled laborers
  7. 18. this country has establsihed free education for all children through the university level
  8. 19. stands for united arab emirates
  1. 1. ethnic group that resisted control of many different countries and became a stateless nation
  2. 2. many countries in Southwest Asia grew enormously wealthy from ________
  3. 3. the skills and talents of people
  4. 4. a territory along the Mediterranean Sea just northeast of the Sinai Peninsula
  5. 6. both the Israelis and the Palestinians claim _________ as the capital of their nation
  6. 8. _________ refugee camps for Arab Palestinians were established in Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip
  7. 10. an area of land formally known as Palestine
  8. 11. a resource so important that nations will go to war to ensure its steady supply
  9. 12. revived its copper industry and chromium mines.
  10. 13. a strip of land on the west side of the Jordan River
  11. 15. they are the Arabs and their descendents who lived or still live in the area formally called Palestine, now called Israel
  12. 17. the worlds __________ rise and fall unpredictably