Chapter 24

  1. 3. group of loops
  2. 6. groups of atoms near each other that are polarized
  3. 10. formed from field lines
  4. 12. number of field lines
  5. 13. mounted to a rotating axle
  6. 14. always perpendicular to wire
  7. 15. Opposites
  8. 16. material is a dipole
  9. 21. measures tiny amounts of current
  10. 22. only naturally occurring magnet
  11. 23. Newtons
  1. 1. likes
  2. 2. use thumb and fingertips
  3. 4. voyages extensively before the Age of Exploration begins
  4. 5. electric current passes through a coil
  5. 7. magnetically striped
  6. 8. current flowing through a loop of wire
  7. 9. laid a wire across a magnetic compass.
  8. 11. no discernible pattern
  9. 17. opposites attract likes repel
  10. 18. preserved magnetism
  11. 19. involved with electricity and magnetism
  12. 20. most likely invented by China