Chapter 26

  1. 3. simple machines that are used for making thread. The wheels can be turned by hand or by using a foot pedal.
  2. 5. a kind of business in which many people and machines work together.
  3. 7. a machine that uses water power to weave thread into cloth.
  4. 9. places where goods are made.
  5. 10. a simple machine that can make up to eight threads at one time. A person turns the jenny’s wheel.
  1. 1. a machine that uses water power to spin thread. It can make thread more quickly than a spinning jenny can.
  2. 2. is an engine that is run by steam power.
  3. 4. a change from making goods by hand to making goods by machine. It began in the 1700s.
  4. 6. a machine that cuts wheat quickly.
  5. 8. a machine that pushes seeds into soil to help more plants grow.