Chapter 26 Vocab Quiz #2 - Crossword Scramble

  1. 4. the other half of the "walnut" that would provide U.S. aid to European nations to rebuild their economies -- preferably, their non-communist economies
  2. 5. 5,540-word cable message from diplomat George Kennan warning that the Soviet Union was locked in for a long fight against capitalism that that is was impossible to reach any compromise or agreement with them
  3. 6. criticized the president, and was fired for _____
  4. 8. a United Nations force (+ MacArthur led - U.S. and South Korean) led a "daring invasion" of North Korea and pushed North Korean forces all the way up to the Yalu River border of _____
  5. 9. U.S. policy of protecting countries against communist attacks and invasion
  6. 14. President Truman committed to a _____ with northern Korea to contain communism while avoiding engaging China further and/or using the atomic bomb
  7. 15. formed in response to NATO; military alliance of communist countries
  8. 17. After President Truman refused his demands to expand the war against China, General MacArthur was fired for _____.
  9. 18. U.S.'s 11 month response to Soviet troops cutting all road and rail traffic to West Berlin
  1. 1. U.S.-supported nationalist leader of China whose poor military planning and corrupt actions squandered $2 billion in U.S. aid
  2. 2. policy meant to stop the spread of communism
  3. 3. communist countries in Eastern Europe used to create a buffer between the Soviet Union and western Europe
  4. 7. U.S.-Soviet tensions in _____ started before the end of WWII as it was divided at the 38th parallel after disarming Japanese troops there
  5. 8. the fall of _____ to communism will effectively was considered a U.S. failure and disappointment and will thereafter influence more active containment policies (i.e. Japan, Korea)
  6. 10. more than 36 _____ American troops would die in the Korean War
  7. 11. communist Chinese leader who led revolution in China, much to the U.S. dismay, and establishing the People's Republic of China in October of 1949
  8. 12. anti-communist military alliance between the U.S. and western Europe (12 nations total)
  9. 13. U.S. battleship sent into the Mediterranean to put pressure on the Soviet Union to withdraw from northern Iran after WWII
  10. 16. Winston Churchill's description of the imaginary ideological line between eastern communist nations and western capitalist nations