Chapter 29 World War I

  1. 2. Name of Muslim empire that once controlled the Balkans and joined World War I with the Central Powers
  2. 3. The name of the terrorist organization that plotted the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
  3. 7. A type of war where a country is forced to fight on two opposing sides (for example East and West)
  4. 12. The last name of the German ruler who fought to unite Germany and seized AlsaceLorraine from France
  5. 13. One of the two most common continents for Imperialism after the industrial Revolution
  6. 14. The last name of the general who came up with the plan to rapidly invade France before focusing on Russia (the plan was named after him)
  7. 16. The Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria made it nearly impossible for France to ship support to Russia across this Sea
  8. 17. The conquering and exploitation of nations for the natural resources and people
  9. 18. Where trench warfare was used by both the Allied and Central Powers
  10. 19. Major European power country that supported fellow Slavic-speaking country Serbia after a declaration of war from Austria-Hungary
  11. 20. Term used to describe the rapid building of armies and munitions to defend nations against those they distrusted
  12. 23. The name of the River where Belgium, France, and Britain rallied to force Germany into a retreat
  13. 25. One of the two most common continents for Imperialism after the Industrial Revolution
  14. 28. Area in southeast Europe where nationalism played a large role in conflict leading to World War I
  15. 29. The word entente means this is French
  16. 30. Austria-Hungary annexed Bosnia and Herzegovina for better access to this Sea that leads to the Mediterranean
  17. 32. Where mobile, traditional warfare was used by Russia and the Central Powers
  1. 1. The country that joined the side of the Central Powers with the Ottoman Empire
  2. 4. German forces regularly intercepted or sunk British ships carrying supplies to their Russian allies across this Sea
  3. 5. The German’s initial plan for World War I was to march through this neutral country and surprise France
  4. 6. Trench warfare was ultimately an effective means for this type if strategy
  5. 8. These vehicles were used to help both sides with their protective armor and ability to cross over trenches
  6. 9. The World War I alliance that Austria-Hungary and Germany led
  7. 10. The World War I alliance led by Britain, Russia, and France, and eventually the United States
  8. 11. Kaiser _____ II, took over Germany and became power hungry to expand the empire
  9. 15. The term used to describe the way people bonded among like minded people to obtain freedom from oppressive rulers
  10. 21. The style of warfare used on the Western Front
  11. 22. This land-locked nation became upset that Austria-Hungary annexed Bosnia and Herzegovina because it limited their access to the Adriatic Sea
  12. 24. Triple ______, an informal alliance consisting of Britain, France, and Russia prior
  13. 25. Triple ______, an informal alliance consisting of Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy
  14. 26. The capital of Bosnia, where Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated
  15. 27. European power country that remained neutral throughout World War I
  16. 31. The country that joined Germany and Austria-Hungary in the Triple Alliance before abandoning them in World War I