Chapter 3 & 4

  1. 4. Objects that represent quantities and figures
  2. 5. What you get when you move the decimal two places to the right
  3. 8. An equation that connects one variable to others
  4. 10. The "flip" of a fraction
  5. 12. The opposite of addition
  6. 15. Algorithm step to remove fractions
  7. 16. The type of math that uses variables to simplify complicated problems
  8. 17. The type of class this is
  9. 18. A systematic process used to reproduce results
  10. 20. Shorthand for addition
  1. 1. The opposite of subtraction
  2. 2. The opposite of division
  3. 3. An expression that contains an equal sign
  4. 6. Clear fractions by using _____ multiplication
  5. 7. A type of expression containing ONLY numbers
  6. 9. The opposite of multiplication
  7. 11. An object involving a numerator and denominator
  8. 13. A type of expression containing variables
  9. 14. The study of chances or likelihood
  10. 19. The "middle" number of a data set of numbers