Chapter 3 Criminal law - Izel V

  1. 2. behavior cannot be criminal if no law exists that both defines it as illegal and prescribes a punishment for it.(3 words)
  2. 4. holds individuals criminally liable for causing harm
  3. 6. "Means body of crime" (2 words)
  4. 8. used to determine factual causality (4 words)
  5. 13. defining a crime that is so unclear that a reasonable person could not determine what the law purports to command or prohibit(3 words)
  6. 14. The circumstances other than actus reus, mens rea and the result that define the crime (2 words)
  7. 15. The criminal mind (2 words)
  1. 1. a defendant is liable for committing an act regardless of mental state.(2 words)
  2. 3. a relationship between the mens rea, act, and resulting harm
  3. 5. a victimless crime (3 words
  4. 7. the need for some identifiable harm as an actual or potential consequence of culpable activity (2 words)
  5. 9. an action done before the passing of the law criminal and punishes such action (4 words)
  6. 10. The criminal act (2 words)
  7. 11. considered another form of action
  8. 12. cannot be tried or punished a 2nd time for the same offense (2 words)