Chapter 3 Crossword

  1. 2. Behavior cannot be criminal if no law exists that both defines it as illegal and prescribes a punishment for it.
  2. 4. Convicttion of killing someone else
  3. 8. Type of criminal law violation in which parties to the crime willfully participate and in which the element of harm seems remote
  4. 9. A person who helps another commit a crime
  5. 11. An underlying cause of an accident
  6. 13. Statute defining a crime that is so unclear that a reasonable person of at least average intelligence could not determine what the law purports to command or prohibit
  7. 14. The combination of Actus reus and mens rea
  1. 1. A legislative act punishing a person or a select group of people without the benefit of a judicial trial
  2. 3. The “facts surrounding an event” and include such things as time and place.
  3. 5. a crime must be proved to have occurred before a person can be convicted of committing that crime
  4. 6. a relationship between the mens rea, act, and resulting harm
  5. 7. The inability to be tried a second time for the same offense
  6. 8. used to determine factual causality
  7. 10. the defendant is held criminally responsible for the harm because the harm is a foreseeable crime
  8. 12. Atatutes that declare an act criminal after the act occurs and those that increase the penalty for a crime after the act occurs.