Chapter 3 Crossword

  1. 6. an act considered to be outside the normal bounds of social behavior and morality
  2. 9. the defendant is held criminally responsible for the harm because the harm is a foreseeable crime
  3. 12. having or showing a dislike or distrust that is derived from prejudice
  4. 13. piece of legislation that declares a party is guilty of a crime
  5. 14. a law that imposes criminal liability or increases criminal punishment retroactively.
  6. 15. the prosecution of a person twice for the same offense
  1. 1. The seven principles necessarily present in all "true" criminal law include legality and their concurrence
  2. 2. a person who helps another commit a crime.
  3. 3. the action of causing something
  4. 4. the facts and circumstances constituting a breach of a law
  5. 5. In criminal law, a declaration that a law is invalid because it is not sufficiently clear
  6. 7. conviction of killing someone else.
  7. 8. the jury cannot issue a verdict against a person if the action was not prohibited when the crime was committed
  8. 10. the Latin term corpus delicti literally means:
  9. 11. One who owes a duty or service to another, or in some sort depends upon him