chapter 3 crossword

  1. 5. this defense claims that the defendant voluntarily decided to renounce continued attempts to commit the crime
  2. 6. holds that behavior cannot be criminal if no law exists that both defines it as illegal and prescribes a punishment for it.
  3. 7. “body of crime”. A person cannot be tried for a crime unless it can first be shown that the offense has occurred.
  4. 8. Aggravates a crime, or makes it more serious than it was when committed, Inflicts a greater punishment than existent law did at the time the crime was committed
  5. 11. individuals may not, be tried a second time for the same offense, or be punished a second time for the same offense
  6. 13. the need for some identifiable harm as an actual or potential consequence of culpable activity is often cited as a general feature of crime.
  7. 14. refers to the offender's mental state at the time of the crime
  8. 15. the agreement for the joint purpose of unlawful ends
  1. 1. holds individuals criminally liable for causing harm when it can be shown that the harm caused was reasonably foreseeable from their conduct, requires some direct relation between the injury asserted and the injurious conduct alleged.
  2. 2. the physical act of creating a crime
  3. 3. a relationship between the mens rea, act, and resulting harm Some statutes require that the offender cause a particular result before criminal liability can be incurred.
  4. 4. all conspirators are liable for the acts of co-conspirators that are taken in furtherance of the conspiracy
  5. 9. a defense to a charge of attempted criminal activity that claims the defendant could not have factually or legally committed the envisioned offense even if he or she had been able to carry through the attempt to do so
  6. 10. a type of criminal law violation in which parties to the crime willfully participate and in which the element of harm seems remote
  7. 12. a legislative act punishing a person or a select group of people without the benefit of a judicial trial