  1. 5. PROPERTY that combines addition and multiplication.
  2. 6. Some equations can be solved by multiplying each side by the same number.
  3. 9. When plus or minus signs separate an algebraic expression into parts,each part is a term.
  4. 10. A term without a variable
  5. 11. The distance around a geometric figure.
  6. 12. An algebraic expression in simplest form has no like terms and no parentheses.
  7. 14. An equation that shows a relationship among certain quantities.
  8. 15. Expression that are equal
  9. 16. 2 or more equations with the same solution.
  10. 17. to separate into groups
  11. 18. Opposite of minus
  1. 1. Operations that undo each other,such as addition and subtraction.
  2. 2. Expressions that contain the same variables to the same power.
  3. 3. measure of the surface enclosed by a geometric figure.
  4. 4. When you use the Distributive Property to combine like terms.
  5. 7. An equation that contains two operations.
  6. 8. To decrease
  7. 13. The numerical part of a term that contains variable.