Chapter 3 defintions

  1. 4. beginning with the call and concluding with the investigation
  2. 8. words that do have an emotional effect
  3. 9. the subject of the sentence performs the actions
  4. 10. exists potential impeachment evidence
  5. 11. write thoughout the report
  6. 13. what is said
  7. 17. inferences
  8. 18. refer to yourself
  1. 1. being non-opinionated
  2. 2. making every word count without leaving out the important facts
  3. 3. the shorthand vocabulary and technical terminology
  4. 5. how the case is disposed of
  5. 6. hand written character is recognizable
  6. 7. words that have little emotional effect
  7. 12. spelling, capitalization and punctuation
  8. 14. only one side of a story
  9. 15. how it is written
  10. 16. the "story" of the case in chronological order