Chapter 3 Puzzle

  1. 2. A set of words used by one person or in an entire language
  2. 4. If a word is directly related to the student's text then it is...
  3. 6. Referred to as the "currency of learning." The ability to interpret and communicate ideas regarding various source materials.
  4. 8. Words used across content areas
  5. 10. When students analyze the structure of the text to find the meaning of a word.
  6. 11. Not in reference to one word but the total weight of all vocabulary on a student.
  7. 13. Knowledge of a word solely including the definition (Used to describe certain areas of a pool)
  1. 1. Can the word be used across multiple contexts?
  2. 3. The likelihood that a word will be used over and over again is known as a word's...
  3. 5. Knowledge of a word including the definition and associated contexts (Used to describe certain areas of a pool)
  4. 7. Words used in everyday language
  5. 9. When students use context clues to grasp the meaning of the word
  6. 12. Words used for a specific content area