Chapter 3 S3&4 Appetizer - Dylan Norcross

  1. 2. form of math developed by Sumerians that included calculating areas of shapes
  2. 3. Developed by Sumerians to track 12 months in a year
  3. 4. a pyramid shaped temple tower which rose above each Sumerian city
  4. 5. a writer hired to keep track of records
  5. 7. picture symbols used in early communication
  6. 10. the science of building
  7. 11. ancient war leader who brought Mesopotamia into the Babylonian Empire; famous for his code of laws
  8. 13. set of 282 laws developed by Hammurabi that was written down
  9. 14. the world's first system of writing which was developed by Sumerians
  10. 15. conquered Babylon and the Fertile Crescent from the Kassites
  11. 16. round tool invented by the Sumerians used to move carts and wagons or spin clay
  1. 1. civilization in the Fertile Crescent that built Asia Minor, known for ironworking and chariots
  2. 3. group of people from Syrian Desert that destroyed Assyrian Empire in 612 BC
  3. 6. civilization that captured the city of Babylon from the Hittites
  4. 8. Phoenicians' most important achievement that was a set of letters combined to form words
  5. 9. the most famous Chaldean king who rebuilt Babylon
  6. 12. Developed by the Sumerians based on the number 60