Chapter 3 Student Loans

  1. 2. the act of increasing the principal of a loan by adding the interest that builds while in school and 6 months following graduation.
  2. 3. need based federally backed loans with no payment or interest during school and 6 month period after graduation
  3. 5. formula used to calculate accrued interest
  4. 8. time given to students before required payments are expected, time in school plus 6 months
  5. 9. type of loan that allows parents or graduate students to borrow money for college costs and required to be creditworthy.
  6. 10. type of loan issued by bank, credit union, school or state agency
  7. 13. to put off interest during school and 6 month period after graduation
  8. 14. type of loan backed by government funds
  9. 15. not based on need, but federally backed loans with no payment required during school and 6 month period after graduation, with interest from time you receive the money
  1. 1. types of schools like trade, vocational, or technical.
  2. 4. received by student once this form is completed and processed
  3. 6. type of loan for students with exceptional financial need
  4. 7. used to collect personal and financial data impacting loan and grant decisions
  5. 11. builds up, adds interest while in school and during 6 month period after graduation period
  6. 12. number of years given to pay back student loans