Chapter 4 The Gutsy Girl

  1. 2. suddenly
  2. 5. an instrument for measuring or testing
  3. 6. uniform greyish clouds
  4. 8. friendly
  5. 10. move back or away from
  6. 12. fluffy, white clouds which look like cotton
  7. 13. low clouds that are a combination
  8. 14. bird of prey, eagle, hawk, falcon, or owl
  9. 16. pretended or faked
  10. 17. long, narrow chain of hills or mountains
  1. 1. 3 word expression to cause a lot of damage to something
  2. 3. wispy, feathery clouds made of ice crystals
  3. 4. someone who takes part in paragliding
  4. 7. swinging back and forth
  5. 9. lack of concern; indifference
  6. 11. close, near
  7. 15. large aircraft carrying passengers