Chapter 3: Urbanization

  1. 6. Cleaning up big cities of their filth
  2. 7. The main port where immigrants from Europe arrived in New York
  3. 8. A danger of living and working in big city buildings
  4. 9. A major problem of living in big cities
  5. 11. Many people of this ethnic background came and settled in New York
  6. 12. Public housing where poor people suffered in crowded rooms
  7. 14. These small people were often made to work dangerous factory-jobs
  8. 16. People came from Europe looking for a better life
  9. 17. Organized groups of laborers who fought for their workers' rights
  1. 1. tall buildings in big cities
  2. 2. Came to America and many worked on the railroad
  3. 3. Used as a tool to show people of the problems in the cities
  4. 4. A major problem in cities
  5. 5. Lit up the cities
  6. 6. Women wanted the right to vote
  7. 10. Inventor of the light bulb
  8. 13. Connected both sides of America, East and West
  9. 14. Large ____ attracted many people for work and housing
  10. 15. Famous photographer who took pictures of the slums