Chapter 3 Volcanos

  1. 2. These types of eruptions are caused by high-silica magma.
  2. 3. These form along the boundaries of converging oceanic plates.
  3. 6. A landform in New Mexico named ______ formed when magma hardened in an ancient volcanoes pipe.
  4. 10. A ______ is the hole left when a volcano collapses.
  5. 11. Forms where two tectonic plates are diverging.
  6. 12. What could be described as the mountain of Fire and Ice?
  7. 13. This volcano type looks like a _____ due to its gently sloping sides.
  8. 15. The surface of ____ looks like coiled rope.
  9. 16. Magma that forces its way between layers of rock is called a ________.
  10. 17. What is the name of the tectonic plate responsible for forming the Cascade Volcanoes?
  1. 1. A mixture of hot rocks, ash and gases forming a fast moving cloud that rushes down a mountain side is referred to as a ___?
  2. 4. This instrument detects slight surface changes in elevation caused by the movement of magma.
  3. 5. These features form the cores of many mountain ranges.
  4. 7. A _______ can cover large areas with a thick layer of lava.
  5. 8. This could be described as a large room where future rock gathers together waiting to erupt.
  6. 9. These form volcanoes in the middle of tectonic plates.
  7. 14. This volcano, named ________, erupted out of a mexican farmer's field in 1943, reaching 400 meters!