Chapter 3 - Watch your Diet

  1. 2. People with _________ nervosa restrict their food intake and exercise excessively to lose weight.
  2. 5. A condition where a person has a low count of red blood cells.
  3. 7. A condition whereby the body is unable to utilise glucose in the blood effectively.
  4. 10. High blood pressure is also known as _______.
  5. 12. _______ nervosa can result in binge-and-purge cycle.
  6. 13. Obesity is caused by high intake of carbohydrates and _______.
  7. 15. A condition where there is difficulty in passing out solid waste from the body.
  1. 1. A high intake of ________ and fats in the diet can lead to diabetes.
  2. 3. Sufficient intake of vitamin C helps our body to absorb ________.
  3. 4. Insufficient intake of fibre can lead to colorectal cancer.
  4. 6. A condition whereby the body accumulates excess fats.
  5. 8. Coronary heart disease is caused by the blocked ________ of the heart.
  6. 9. A high cholesterol intake can cause coronary heart disease.
  7. 11. Too much sodium in our diet may lead to high blood pressure.
  8. 14. A lack of _________ will result in osteoporosis.