chapter 3 words 1 - 16

  1. 3. plane simple machine that is flat surface, sloped surface, or ramp.
  2. 5. simple machine consisting of a rigid rod or plank that pivots or rotates about a fixed point called the fulcrum.
  3. 9. A push or pull.
  4. 13. advantage number of times the input force is multiplied by a machine; equal to the output force divvied by the input force.
  5. 15. Rate a which work is done; equal to the work done divided by the time it takes to do the work; measured in watts.
  6. 16. Force that opposes motion between two touching surfaces.
  7. 17. simple machine made from a grooved wheel with a rope or cable wrapped around the groove.
  1. 1. includes the inclined plane, wedge, screw, lever, wheel and axle, and pulley.
  2. 2. machine a machine that does with with only one
  3. 4. simple machine consisting of an inclined plane that moves; can have one or two sloping sides.
  4. 6. Equals the output work divided by the input work; expressed as a percentage.
  5. 7. and axie simple machine made from two circular objects of different sizes that are attached and rotate together.
  6. 8. When a push or pull is done to an object and the object moves.
  7. 10. machine machine made up of a combination of two or more simple machines.
  8. 11. simple machine that is a inclined plane wrapped around a cylinder or a post.
  9. 12. force Force exerted on a machine.
  10. 14. force force exerted by a machine