Chapter 3

  1. 3. Calypso is actually ___
  2. 5. Alcinous and Arete did not want Odysseus to go through ___ in his time at Phaeacia
  3. 7. The female ruler of a land
  4. 9. Odysseus had to get to the ___ before getting to the house of Alcinous
  5. 10. Odysseus for this from Nausicaa
  6. 14. Alcinous and Arete are these of the Phaeacians
  7. 15. Claypso acts like she is very ___ to trick people
  1. 1. Before telling one your name, people in Phaeacia would call a stranger because you are one of ___
  2. 2. The place where many immortals live
  3. 4. The male ruler of a land
  4. 6. Alcinous would like Odysseus as his ___
  5. 8. Type of home that Alcinous lives in
  6. 11. Zeus ___ Odysseus' ship and as a result Odysseus landed on Ogygia
  7. 12. Number of days Odysseus was on sea before Odysseus got to the land of the Phaeacians
  8. 13. Athena transformed Odysseus into this before getting to the house of Alcinous