Chapter 33

  1. 3. Britain, France, and this country came together to form the Triple Entente, or the Allies
  2. 7. the country that unified in 1871
  3. 8. under this president the U.S. remained neutral in the war from 1914-1916
  4. 14. this many millions of people were killed in World War I
  5. 15. used to increase support for the war
  6. 16. Woodrow Wilson's _______ Points was a proposal for lasting and just peace
  7. 20. the Battle of ______ is when the British struck the weakest Central Power, which was the Ottomans, and caused a huge loss of life
  8. 21. the idea that peoples with the same ethnic groups have the right to form sovereign states
  9. 22. ________ of Nations had 42 member, and was created to maintain world peace, but could not enforce decisions, and the U.S. never joined
  10. 23. long, costly, bloody battles
  11. 24. peoples of Austria-Hungary who wanted to unify with independent Serbia
  12. 25. roles were reversed; the U.S. was now this to Britain
  13. 27. the people who entered to the workforce to serve their country during the war
  14. 31. Demands Japan used these to try to reduce China to a protectorate
  15. 32. the colonies of the Central Powers were divided up into three classes of these
  16. 34. War another name of World War I
  17. 35. the first and quickest African colony to fall to the Allies
  18. 36. States this country declared war on Germany on April 6, 1917
  1. 1. entered the war with the Allies in 1914, and seized the last German-leased territory in China
  2. 2. the river where the German invasion of France stopped for three years
  3. 4. the name of Germany's military plan
  4. 5. Archduke _____ was assassinated in 1914, and set off a chain of reactions leading to war
  5. 6. The Treaty of ________ denied Germany a navy or air force, and limited their army to one hundred thousand troops
  6. 9. II abdicated the throne when there were mutinies
  7. 10. who the British and French recruited into their armies
  8. 11. land of southern Slaves, uneasy mix of Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes
  9. 12. Powers another name for the Triple Alliance, with the addition of a few powers, like the Ottoman Empire
  10. 13. the country Germany invaded to reach France
  11. 17. when Russia pulled out of the war, and negotiated a separate peace with Germany, they lost 1/3 of this country
  12. 18. the first territory of the Ottoman empire to gain independence
  13. 19. naval battleships that Britain and Germany built during their naval race
  14. 26. _______ Revolution is where the Bolsheviks gained control of Petrograd soviet, and the armed forces seized the provisional government in the name of all soviets
  15. 28. a revolutionary Marxist, who was exiled to Switzerland, and stepped into Russia's unstable government to bring Russia out of war
  16. 29. Mustafa Kemal proclaimed _________ of Turkey after he drove out allied forces in 1923
  17. 30. the party that Lenin was the head of
  18. 32. gas the type of poisonous gas that killed eight hundred thousand people and invented by the Germans
  19. 33. the country that joined Germany and Austria-Hungary's Dual Alliance, to form the Triple Alliance, but then joined the Allies