Chapter 3and4

  1. 2. A dynasty that forced Mongols out of china to create diffused empire
  2. 6. Chinese ships that stimulated the Indian Ocean Commerce, Chinese thrived from these small boats
  3. 7. China after the spread into 4 Khanates
  4. 13. The Chinese Emperor that started the CHinese voyages, Death causes them to stop.
  5. 14. A castrated man personally loyal to the emperor
  6. 15. fruit that spread all around to increase population and agriculture production
  7. 17. During his reign they made efforts to repair damages from earlier policies in Persia
  8. 18. group of Mongols that named themselves after chinese
  9. 20. The nickname in "" to represent the Europeans for their mass conquering of the sea
  1. 1. Extension of buddhism in Japan
  2. 3. Arab Scholar, merchant, and offical that traveled 70k miles by foot.
  3. 4. Precious Metal that was greatly traded in Africa
  4. 5. Grandson of Chiggis Khan that lead 2nd assault on Persia
  5. 8. Eunech of the Chinese fleet that wanted control of the South China Sea
  6. 9. Markets, Cities off of trade routes
  7. 10. Was very important to keep this quality or would face punishment by strict leaders
  8. 11. A strategy of attack to surround a city or building
  9. 12. Extended Idea of buddhism, After theraveda that made Buddha a diety
  10. 16. most common way of living , having domesticated livestock and travelling
  11. 19. natural Disaster causing strong winds and rain.