Chapter 4

  1. 4. levied on individual earnings has become the major source of money for the national government
  2. 8. hand over (a person accused or convicted of a crime) to the jurisdiction of the foreign state in which the crime was committed.
  3. 10. Those powers that the national government may exercise simply because it is a government are its
  4. 12. the basis for the implied powers is the necessary and proper clause (Article I, Section 8).
  5. 13. one of the earliest federalists
  6. 16. when signed by the president, enables the people of the territory interested in becoming a state to prepare a constitution
  7. 19. Those powers that the national government requires to carry out the powers that are expressly defined in the Constitution are called
  8. 20. One view the favors state and local action in dealing with problems.
  9. 22. landmark case of 1819
  10. 24. Since the mid 1960s, Congress has used ______, or the power to assume responsibility for a state government function, in order to gain authority over a state.
  11. 25. another early federalist
  1. 1. those powers granted to the national government under the United States Constitution
  2. 2. Article VI, Section 2, of the Constitution makes the acts and treaties of the United States supreme.
  3. 3. The Constitution states that full faith and credit shall be given in each state to the public acts,records,and judicial proceedings of every other state
  4. 5. The courts have never given a complete listing of
  5. 6. forbidding racial discrimination in public accommodations such as hotels and restaurants
  6. 7. government and the states have.
  7. 9. are those powers directly expressed or stated in the Constitution by the Founders.
  8. 11. The Constitution also reserves certain powers strictly to the states.
  9. 13. A nationalist Chief Justice; presided during McCulloch
  10. 14. The principal way in which states may do this is to negotiate
  11. 15. Expressed powers are also called
  12. 17. are those powers that both the
  13. 18. A second view the favors national action in dealing with these matters.
  14. 21. - This clause applies only to civil law, or laws relating to disputes between individuals, groups, or with the state
  15. 23. The main way the national government provides money to the states is through