Chapter 4

  1. 1. sperm reaches fallopian tubes
  2. 4. cord, connects baby and mom
  3. 7. what its called when its developing
  4. 8. where the baby develops
  5. 10. known as german measles
  6. 12. twins, two eggs
  7. 15. twins, one fertilised egg
  1. 1. when the baby is facing up
  2. 2. about every 28 days
  3. 3. unable to have a baby
  4. 5. mother, becoming pregnant for another person
  5. 6. birth, baby passing after 20 weeks
  6. 9. cell a man carries
  7. 11. babies head not facing birth canal
  8. 13. what the developing baby is called
  9. 14. alcohol syndrome, incurable disease caused by the mother comsuming alcohol