Chapter 4

  1. 7. hiring a foreign manufacturer to make products according to a company's specifications
  2. 9. government's establishment of economic policies that systematically restrict imports in order to protect domestic duties
  3. 10. global coalition of nations that make the rules governing international trade
  4. 12. goods and services purchased from other countries
  5. 13. difference in value between exports and imports
  6. 15. tax on imports
  7. 16. goods and services sold to other countries
  8. 17. total ban on specific goods coming into and leaving a country
  9. 18. letting another company, or licensee, use a trademark, patent, special formula, company name, or some other intellectual property for a fee or royalty
  10. 20. company's use of an existing product or promotion from which changes are made
  11. 21. Union Europe's trading bloc and established free trade among its members
  1. 1. international trade agreement between the US, Canada, & Mexico
  2. 2. large corporations that have operations in several countries
  3. 3. business enterprise that a domestic company and a foreign company undertake together
  4. 4. midsize or small companies that have operations in foreign countries
  5. 5. establishment of a business in a foreign country
  6. 6. complete standardization
  7. 8. commercial exchange between nations that is conducted on free market principles without any regulations
  8. 11. limits either quantity or the monetary value of a product that may be imported
  9. 14. the exchange of goods and services among nnations
  10. 19. creating specially designed products or promotions for certain countries or regions