Chapter 4-6 American History

  1. 3. Hepburn Act created the ICC regulatory powers
  2. 5. imperialist expansion betrayed the nation
  3. 6. shot and killed and it started WW1
  4. 10. US opened it and linked the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans
  5. 11. German submarine sunk a British liner
  6. 12. Spain ceded to the US
  7. 13. Wilson administration´s propaganda agency
  8. 15. blew up in Havana Harbor, started the Spanish American War
  9. 16. addition to the Monroe Doctrine, ¨chronic wrongdoing" would bring military intervention
  10. 18. AEF Commander, didn´t want to fight in trenches
  11. 19. Harvard educated, founded the NAACP
  12. 20. regulated unsafe and unadultered foods and medicines
  13. 21. "trustbuster", champed national parks and natural resources, strong presidency
  14. 22. John Hay issued several in interest of open trade with China
  1. 1. fire at the factory, 141 died
  2. 2. Part of Treaty of Versailles, peacekeeping organization, rejected by Senate
  3. 4. First US Troops, 3mil draftees, 1.3 volunteers
  4. 7. National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
  5. 8. declared war
  6. 9. headed by Bernard Baruch, oversaw industrial production to maximize efficiency
  7. 14. written by Upton Sinclair about tainted meat
  8. 17. Republican congressman who work with college profs to improve government