Chapter 4. Johnny Grows Old.

  1. 3. One night, Johnny got so cold that he ____ into a hollow log.
  2. 5. Johnny was less busy as he got older, but he ____ stopped planting apple trees.
  3. 6. Every apple has ____ seeds.
  4. 9. He was getting older that his hair was turning ____ .
  5. 10. Johnny was never elected ____ or anything, but he did a lot for his country.
  6. 11. It takes 36 _____ to make 1 gallon of apple cider.
  7. 13. A bear and her ____ were already in there.
  1. 1. An apple is made of 80% ____ .
  2. 2. Johnny ____ in Indiana.
  3. 4. John Chapman came from a _____ family.
  4. 7. The mother bear saved Johnny's ____ that cold night.
  5. 8. Today, apples grow in all 50 ____ .
  6. 12. Apple trees grow fruit when they are _____ years old.