Chapter 4 Key Legal Terminology

  1. 3. an area of law that defines behaviours and conduct that are prohibited and outlines sanctions for people who commit them.
  2. 5. a person who carried out the actus reas and has therefore directly committed the offence is the ____ offender.
  3. 8. the right of a person accused of a crime to be presumed not guilty unless proven otherwise is the presumption of ______.
  4. 9. a person charged with a criminal offence
  5. 10. an serious offence generally heard in before a judge and jury in the County or Supreme Court.
  6. 12. the lawyers who prepare a criminal case and take it to court on behalf of the state, the victim or society.
  7. 13. a Latin term for 'a guilty act': the physical element of a crime.
  8. 15. ______ of proof is the degree or extent to which a case must be proved in court.
  1. 1. the release of an accused person from custody on condition that they will attend a court hearing to answer the charges.
  2. 2. _____ of proof is the obligation of a party to prove a case and usually rests with the prosecution.
  3. 4. beyond ____ doubt is the standard of proof in criminal cases and requires the prosecution to prove.
  4. 6. a person who knowingly assists another person who has committed a serious indictable offences to avoid being apprehended, prosecuted etc
  5. 7. a Latin term for 'a guilty mind': the mental element of a crime.
  6. 11. an act or omission that is against an existing law, harmful to an individual or to society and punishable by law.
  7. 14. a minor offence generally heard in the Magistrates' Court.