Chapter 4 Review

  1. 2. Jacob's youngest son
  2. 3. Mary's husband
  3. 4. play an important role in St. Joseph's story
  4. 6. assistant to Pharaoh
  5. 8. the sons of Jacob
  6. 9. putting God above everything else
  7. 10. Jacob's favorite son
  8. 12. the king who plans to kill the newborn sons
  9. 13. Mary's canticle which means "praises"
  1. 1. it means loyalty to someone
  2. 3. Joseph was sold to Egypt as a ______
  3. 5. Egypt's king or ruler
  4. 6. requires keeping our hearts & minds focused on God
  5. 7. Jacob's wife
  6. 11. made Mary pregnant