Chapter 4: The Earth Speaks

  1. 4. study of the earth
  2. 5. most abundant gas in Earth's atmosphere
  3. 7. earth changed slowly over time; Hutton
  4. 9. earth's only natural satellite
  5. 12. solid, inner dense part of Earth
  6. 14. this is how geologists study Earth's inside
  7. 16. part of earth with liquid; 1,400 mi
  8. 18. "The present is key to the past."
  9. 23. this deflects solar wind
  10. 25. God promises seedtime and harvest in _.
  11. 26. raw material from our environment
  12. 29. the upper mantle and crust
  13. 31. changed the Earth dramatically; cataclysm
  14. 32. old earth theory; Earth is 4.5 billion yrs
  1. 1. came up with uniformitarianism
  2. 2. we depend on this process for food/oxygen
  3. 3. this light is needed for photosynthesis
  4. 6. a resource that is nonliving; soil
  5. 8. view of earth being about 6000 yrs
  6. 10. thinnest part of earth
  7. 11. Earth's solid outer layer
  8. 13. boundary between the crust/mantle
  9. 15. force that keeps us on Earth
  10. 17. gives Earth seasons; 23 1/2 deg.
  11. 19. how fast light travels in a yr
  12. 20. space rocks blocked by Earth's atmosphere
  13. 21. galaxy in which Earth is located
  14. 22. thickest layer of Earth; 84%
  15. 24. God formed the earth to be __. (Isaiah 45:18)
  16. 27. resources easily replenished
  17. 28. comes from a living thing; fish
  18. 30. he came up with plate tectonics